Online Escape Game

Digital Happenings.


The online escape game from bluebird promises excitement, fun and team experience - now completely virtual from the home office. The game can be customized - for example for use in recruiting, onboarding or team building in the company. As a Digital Escape Room we also offer our tried and tested game variant for live events.


We bring the escape game trend into personnel marketing and make the employer brand a playful experience. Employer content is packed into an exciting story and tricky puzzles. The teams that work best together win under time pressure. In our online game variant, games are played decentrally from the home office - the online escape game nevertheless ensures a connecting experience. The players combine clues for 30-45 minutes, solve puzzles and crack codes to win the virtual escape game.


  • The story, the tasks, the setting and the props - everything can be individually adapted to the employer, the target group and current trends and made digitally tangible on request.
  • A website, an app and a video conference tool form the technical framework. An event package sent in advance can add analog elements / props to the game.
  • Large groups can play the online escape game at the same time and are therefore sent to teams of 6 in their own virtual rooms.
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Jörg Pfeiffer

Business Development, Strategie und Vertrieb

T  +49 163 168 99 91

Bluebird Events GmbH © 2024
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