talentine – Digital Job Fair

Campus Events. Digital Happenings.


Many job fairs and career events are canceled due to the corona virus. We design a digital job fair and thus offer an alternative to employers and talented people looking for training.


Previous digital and virtual trade fairs often try to translate the well-known analog trade fair experience 1: 1 into digital. The result usually does not convince either exhibiting companies or visitors. Our approach for a new kind of digital job fair: take over important elements of the proven career fairs, add exciting digital potentials and rely on simple and existing tools due to the high time pressure.


With talentine we create a framework for digital job fairs and other online career events. We rely on four components:
  • ORIENTATION: The basis of the event is a website to present the program, as a center of communication, with profiles of employers and options for filtering and matching.
  • INSPIRATION: Live lectures give keynote speeches and panel discussions.
  • CONNECTION: Conversations take place via video conference - 1: 1 and in small groups.
  • COLLABORATION: Workshops and other formats are integrated using different tools - individual solutions for employers can also be implemented here.
As pilot projects, we are implementing the digital job fair twice for talents in the Aachen region in June 2020 - with regional and national employers, once as an Apprentices fair (June 17) and once as a university fair (June 24).
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Jörg Pfeiffer

Business Development, Strategie und Vertrieb

E  pfeiffer@bluebird.ac
T  +49 163 168 99 91

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