Sartorius – Digital Escape Game as workshop tool

Digital Happenings.


Sartorius is a leading international partner to the biopharmaceutical and research industries. As part of a sales meeting, the sales staff of the Laboratory Products Division take part in various digital workshops and receive a variety of new sales and marketing tools.
In one of these workshops, the content of the new sales tool is to be conveyed in a playful manner and motivate to engage more deeply with a new customer segment. Apart from that, the game is intended to strengthen teamwork and offer an interactive change from various videos and PowerPoint presentations.


Sartorius has more than 9,000 employees in 27 countries. The sales team is just as international. Almost 400 employees worldwide are taking part in the workshop. The given time frame for the game is only 20 minutes.


An individual online team game is developed for the sales workshop. The story: After a hacker attack the stolen content of the new customer segment has to be secured. Success is only guaranteed if all riddles are solved in a short time and with the help of the new learnt content. Divided into teams, sales employees face the challenge and start the online escape game. Now it's time to find solutions together, generate and apply knowledge and keep an eye on the time. An award ceremony for the fastest teams tops off the successful day with a lot to talk about.
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Janina Mrozek

Project Manager

Project management bluebird, Coworking Management NUNZIG

T  +49 2408 929 96 87

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