Employer Branding @ VEDA

Brand Creation & Campaigns.


Employer branding: Development of an employer brand for VEDA.
"HR software that connects": With its software solutions, VEDA GmbH provides concrete benefits for organization in modern companies in over 900 customer projects. For this, we are constantly looking for young talents who complement the team - especially software developers and people with experience in payroll accounting.


Strengthening and sharpening the employer brand should create a new basis for communication internally with employees and externally with pupils, students and professionals. After a stakeholder and target group analysis, results from workshops, internal surveys and kununu evaluations were brought together. On this basis, a new employer value proposition, an "employer story", central messages and a design were developed. The new employer brand has already been implemented in the first central media (job advertisements, career page, trade fair appearance, university advertising) - further measures are being planned.


VEDA's new employer communication is based on three pillars: community and strong cohesion, the scope for individual development and the common mission to design modern working environments with software that connects. On a visual level, VEDA's corporate design is supplemented by a selection of colors and shapes in order to underline the dynamism, scope and versatility of the VEDA team.


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Janina Mrozek

Spielentwicklung, Konzeption und Projektmanagement

E  mrozek@bluebird.ac
T  +49 2408 929 96 87

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