
It has been snowing all night, but early in the morning the sun is out. A seemingly endless clear blue sky stretches across the mountain panorama without any clouds obstructing your vision. These conditions make everything possible. The perfect ski day in the mountains: “A bluebird day – let’s make the most of it!”

With this vision in our heads we have been developing concepts for recruiting, HR marketing and employer branding for over ten years. We believe in the perfect match between employer and talent – that’s why we support our clients in recruiting and retaining with great passion.

What drives us: awakening the excitement for something new. Leaving the comfort zone. Getting in motion together. Talking and working at eye level. And at the end of a project: looking back and having created something special.


Our team consists of change makers and facilitators with different strengths, experiences and plans for the future. The love of outdoors sports and the passion for fresh wind in our hair unites us. We are supported in many projects by freelancers and partner companies who enrich our portfolio with their expertise.

Christiane Gies

Project Manager

Operational management bluebird & Key Account Management

„Spring, summer, autumn or winter – my bluebird day can take place any time of the year as long as it is outside! A couple of good friends, a cool activity and ending it all with a good meal.“

Florian Wieser


Finances, HR and Administration

„My bluebird day begins at 6 am, driving to the beach with a cup of coffee and a surfboard to enjoy a morning session. Having caught a few waves I’m looking forward to a tasty homemade sandwich for breakfast. After another surf session the day ends with friends, family, bbq & cold drinks.”

Jörg Pfeiffer


Business Development, Strategy und Sales

„My bluebird day begins at a remote mountain hut in the Kleinwalsertal. After enjoying a cup of coffee in the sun and with the company of good friends, we strap on our skis and make our way up the mountain heading towards the top. Up there we enjoy the view and look forward to the downhill ride on untouched powder.”

Dr. Alexander Plitsch

Managing Partner

Business Development, Consulting

“Tuscan coast, blue sky, blue ocean, cappuccino in the sun, cooling off in the water, a game of beach volleyball, a long walk on the beach . . . turning a day into my bluebird day.”

Janina Mrozek

Project Manager

Project management bluebird, Coworking Management NUNZIG

„My bluebird day starts in a hammock in the sun somewhere. Hearing the sound of the waves I get my things together, get on a scooter and explore this wonderful location. After a lot of new impressions, cultural and culinary experiences I enjoy the sunset on top of turquoise water, with cold drinks and among new and old friends.”



Coworking NUNZIG


In the heart of the Frankenberger Viertel, in the middle of Aachen, we run our family-friendly, convivial coworking space in a former cloth factory. Quietly located in the inner courtyard, more than 400 m2 of office and meeting rooms as well as a shared kitchen can be found here. Meetups, innovation labs, workshop offers and informal networking (kickers, darts, joint breakfast) ensure a lively community.


coral reef


New Work Cluster for Aachen and the Euregio: coral reef connects and empowers innovative players in the fields of HR, New Work and organizational development. We create synergies, foster knowledge building and develop joint measures – for talents, for organizations, for the region.

Bluebird Events GmbH © 2025
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