SoS Events becomes bluebird


New design, no compromises.


When we took over the event format “Students on Snow” in 2013, we decided to use the derived name “SoS Events” for our company. Subsequently, many events’ names derived from this. For example “Students of Sports” or “Students on the Rocks”.

Before long we felt constricted by the name and yet we stuck with it for a few more years. In accordance with the decision to change the legal status from GbR to GmbH (Ltd.) in 2019 the perfect opportunity arose: Time for a new name!

Since mid-2018 we have not only dealt with rebranding but turned over every leaf in our portfolio and in our organizational structure. Thank you @Gerda for your support 😉 

Consciously we have taken a lot of time for ourselves, our strategies and vision. The alignment of every team members’ perspective had a high priority. Supported by Alex, our partner at coral reef, and thanks to his experience in brand development and business approach we are excited about an awesome and fitting name for our team:


The name and its associated motto “employer brands in motion” really struck a chord with us. Especially Jane, Flo and Jörg, who have been on board since the time of Simsalabim Reisen (Founding brand and the kickoff to all undertakings) but also Bekka, Ike, Janina and Brit are passionate outdoor fans and travelers. Together we are planning on making a lot of our customers’ bluebird days a reality and with this positive metaphor in mind everybody is looking forward to work on productive, enjoyable and meaningful projects for years to come. Let’s make the most of it!

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